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Born in this world named JIAJUN
I turn one year older every 07 DECEMBER .
Studying in Clementi ITE .
Domo is loved ! ♥♥


  • June 2008
  • July 2008
  • August 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • February 2009



    Rong Ying
    Yuan Hui
    Zhong Yew



  • Finish probation
    18th birthday
    • Car License
    • Motor license
    • Promote to Temasak/Republic Polytechnic
    • Unlimited Tops, Bottoms & Cash




    Monday, July 28, 2008

    had been busy tis few days ,
    & abit lazy ,
    so no time never update my blog ,
    lols .

    Thursday & Friday ,
    had not been attending school as i had 2 days mc .
    friday afternoon when to meet up with sean they all at city hall ,
    than took mrt to bugis ,
    as we celebrating janelle's birthday .
    lols .
    reach bugis junction ,
    we bought some snacks & junk food as there is food fair & thier food looks tatsty .
    than after eating ,
    we went to top one ktv ,
    sang non-stop from 6pm to 10pm ,
    while songing still can press the smoke effects to enhance the room atmosphere ,
    than ,
    have a free flow of drinks & each person have a mini steamboat to eat .
    hahs ,
    eat till full ,
    drink till shioook ,
    sing till siao ,
    damn power sia .
    hahas .

    at 10pm ,
    end singing ,
    actually we decided to go home de ,
    but than in the end someone suggest go andre's grandpa house ,
    than we jiu go there ton lohx .
    reach tpy ,
    eat at the nearest coffeeshop ,
    than jiu go his grandpa's house le .
    slack awhile ,
    jiu went to nearest 7-eleven shop for some tibits ,
    than went back .
    hahs ,
    than some ppl start to fall asleep le ,
    than turn by turn alomost all fall asleep on the floor siol ,
    left me , sean janelle play poker all the way siol ,
    lols .
    around 5plus in the morning ,
    we stop the game ,
    i secretly pull out a mattress ,
    than we share .
    while chatting ,
    they fall asleep also -.-
    than i also rest awhile lohx as theres lion dance training later .

    morning ,
    roughly 10plus went to tpy interchange have breakfast ,
    slack awhile ,
    we jiu go home le .

    reached home ,
    bath changed clothes jiu go kallang for training -.-
    hahs ,
    so tiring siol .
    luckily at night got car lompang me back arx ,
    or else long journey of mrt will die siol ,
    hahas .

    sunday ,
    whole day rot at home ,
    late night than go out ,
    we to kenho house ton-ed ,
    lols .
    hmms ,
    roughly alomost 4am than we sleep .
    morning maria morning call us ,
    than we prepare ,
    eat breakfast jiu go meet her go school together .

    hahs ,
    today got test than we never study at all sia ,
    than the test so difficult siol ,
    not lyk last tym no need study also can pass,
    lols .
    don't know will pass anot -.-
    hmms ,
    but den today get back last week de test results ,
    i get 44.5/60
    hahas .

    after school jiu went central have lunch ,
    suddenly we suggest to challenge see who can save money the most tis week ,
    lols ,
    lyk tat also not bad idea ,
    can save more money le cox i suggest tat we bring our own lunch box to school also ,
    hahas .
    after lunch ,
    jiu go back home le ,
    we too tired & lazy to go out .
    blog till here bahx ,
    damn tired le sia ,
    tonight most probaly turn in early bahx ^^

    Stopped his pen .. 5:18 PM

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    Sickening Thursday -.-
    had been coughing and flu for few days le sia ,
    morning wake up ,
    feel very uncomfortable ,
    than i realised i kena fever le ,
    jux as i expected ,
    lols .

    go wash up jiu went to get my pay,
    after get le actually wanna straghit go school ,
    but den don't know why i more & more xinku .
    den i jiu went to polyclinic ,
    reach there saw sooooo many ppl siol ,
    waited for few hours siol -.-

    hahs ,
    when went to take medication ,
    the stupid doctor precribe wrong medication sia ,
    actuallly is flu de than he gave me giddy de ,
    luckily changed before i went home siol .
    lols .

    went home before take medication ,
    my mum ask me got tell doctor wat antibiotics i allergy to ,
    i say never ,
    than she called our family doctor and check it out ,
    whether the prescribe antibiotics i can consume anot ,
    than their nurse never check jiu say can eat ,
    i consumed le than she called back say i cant eat ,
    i'm allergy to tat antibiotics too -.-
    WTF ~
    i jitao pray that the allergy will not take effects siol -.-
    than my mama make a big bowl of chinese tea ask me drink to lessen the drug de effects ,
    so bitter siol ,
    than i went to rest and fall asleep till night ,
    wake up have dinner & mediction ,
    than relax use com .

    hmms ,
    saw some post at was kinda of LAUGHED MY ASS OUT SIA ~!!
    wahahahahas .
    I know tat i'm wrong for not replying yr message ,
    its jux tat i got a feeling don't wish to ,
    i'm really scared siol ,
    u gave me a feelings tat whenever you sms me confirm will have problem de ,
    i jux wish to prevent unecessary problem ,
    Sorry .
    anyway ,
    can you don't anyhow say ppl as third party mahx ?
    i talk to any gals doesn't mean tat they are third party mahx ,
    we are no longer related le lehx .
    please don't anyhow make wild assumption ok .
    will you lyk ppl say you as third party mehx ?
    LOLS ~
    the smallest tings doesn't make me feeling fade for you lohx !
    its attitude lehx ,
    tink our attitude sux bahx ?

    i know tat i had say tat i will loves you forever ,
    tats when yr attitude didn't show out mahx ,
    i feel tat u was good enought for me ,
    but when u changed ,
    i feel regret by anyhow promise you ,
    jux blame myself for being to careless le ,
    i didn't gone into consideration jiu anyhow agree .
    i had learnt my lesson and not to easily promise ppl with forever loves le ,
    unless i reallly found the Miss Right for me .
    hahs .

    the answer to your question -
    hahs ,
    a guy can be very devoted to a gal that he loves vey much de ,
    but it mux depends on the gal ,
    if the gal wasn't good enough ,
    will any guy wish to be with her forever ?
    LOLS !

    SORRY ,
    if i really got say anythings harsh ,
    or make u sad .
    i jux wanna say out how i feel nia ,

    Stopped his pen .. 8:59 PM

    Wednesday, July 23, 2008

    hahs ,
    tis few days so tiring sia ,
    monday ,
    after school ,
    went queenways with ken ,
    while the rest went town and some went lot 1 .
    we shop very for quite sometime ,
    than we saw a long pants and we both aim on the same design de ,
    than we decided to buy it on friday ,
    than we went to play arcade whiile waiting for the maria to come down worx ,
    waited for quite some time as she release late from school mahx ,
    all the way playing the punching bag and puzzle bobbles ,
    hahs ,
    actually after meeting maria we decided to go marina bay meet they all de ,
    in the end all wan early go home due to low mood ?
    than we slack at coffeeshop sua ~
    slack awhile jiu go home le ,
    hahas .

    hahs ,
    morning ,
    maria bomb me wake up ,
    lols ,
    i saw so many missed call sia ,
    than she say wanna deduct my pay worx -.-
    so bad sia :x
    no money eat at most she mux fax food for me nia :x
    hahas .
    after school went westmall pass medicine to maria as we were nearby ,
    than she say no use -.-
    i also felt the same ,
    the medicine lyk no or never effects de sia ,
    mayb we too strong than the medicine vey weak ,
    hahs ,
    than never recover at all , still coughing quite jia lat de -.-
    than we went westmall walk walk ,
    relax ,
    and most importantly study for tml de test =)
    alot topics ,
    i always last min than study as i can remember more points ,
    lols .
    than jiu went home use com .

    hmms ,
    wanna slleep le ,
    tink tml morning ,
    maria will complaint i long tym than ans the call again ,
    she threaten me tat she will deduct my pay till no more siol ,
    so scared :x
    hahas .

    Stopped his pen .. 12:15 AM

    Monday, July 21, 2008

    Team GOSU ~!

    hahs ,
    had not been blog for few days le ,
    past few days were very busy and occupied with some events ,
    than i lazy and tired to blog ,
    lols .

    Friday ,
    wake up in the afternoon ,
    than went for lion dance outing at clementi army's camp ,
    waited for damn long for their marching parade to end ,
    than we can perform -.-
    lols ,
    smoked in army camp de yellow box ,
    the box is so small and we need squezze alot ppl inside -.-
    hahs ,
    reach back shi guan ,
    my friend and i quicky changed and we quicky went home as we don't wanna go songka ,
    hahas .
    on the way home ,
    we found out our ic forget to take ,
    luckily got ppl keep for us ,
    or else ppl use our ic go lent loanshark jiu jialat le ,
    hahas .

    on saturday ,
    meet them at clark quay mrt ,
    have breakfast at burger king .
    than we went for amazing race ,
    have loads of fun sia ,
    the lamest game is we dance indian dance and the ppl recorded for 2 mins ,
    we jitao anyhow jump here jump there ,
    than shuffle , do boliao de stunts ,
    hahas .
    than got one game ,
    we went into a pub ,
    they put a cake at a distance
    than we stand behind a line ,
    than they all hold my hands and pants than i lyn forward using straw blow the candles ,
    luckily my breath very big ,
    two shots jiu settle ,
    lols .
    than i need alone rush to the slice of cake and need to stuff all in my mouth ,
    luckily is cheese cake not cream cake ,
    or else i tink i need long tym to eat the cake sia ,
    hahs ,
    than i 4 mouth jiu settle le ,
    almost vomit sia ,
    whole mouth fully stuff with cake sia ,
    the cake taste nice worx .
    than the rest of the game is challenge eating , playing darts , blind fold drawing ,
    fear factor , IQ question , skills , endurance and alots more .
    still got free hokkaido ice-cream for each person .
    lols ,
    alothought we never won any tings ,
    but den we really had enjoy the whole race and having loads of fun .
    hahas .
    than after went bugis walk walk ,
    than went to beach road eat , slack , shop .
    than it started to rain ,
    we all wear the ponchos provided by the race ,
    machiam small kids siol ,
    hahas .
    than went coffeeshop chit-chat ,
    late night jiu go home le .

    on sunday ,
    go for lion dance from morning till evening siol ,
    tiring ~
    nth much to blog on sunday ,
    lols .

    hahs ,
    slleeping soon le ,
    or else tml maria cant bomb me wake up than say i pig siol -.-
    hahas .

    Stopped his pen .. 9:13 PM

    Thursday, July 17, 2008

    hahas ,
    today late for school again ,
    totally forgotten need reach early to prepare ingredients -.-
    lols .

    when i reach class ,
    they all already started preparing to cook le .
    today we cook En Papillote (bake fish) & cream of mushroom soup .
    today its our fist tym preparing for the training restaurant in school ,
    than ,
    each person need prepare 4 sets of En Papilotte & the soup ,
    heng arx ,
    i managed present my dishes on time , wahahahas ~!

    after school ,
    we went to town to meet meet carrie & their friends .
    went taka eat some snacks ,
    me and louis went to bought hokkaido ice-cream ,
    at first inside taka it never melt ,
    the moment we step out to the non-air conditioned place ,
    it jitao melt lyk fcuk ,
    our hand all covered with the ice-cream sia -.-
    we quickly rush to cineleisure ,
    half way ,
    alot ppl looking siol -.-
    than we jitao stop and eat at a corner as it keep on drip non-stop sia ,
    lols .
    although the ice-cream looks style & expensive ,
    but it's taste jux average nia ,
    hahas .
    after eating we jiu headed to cineleisure to play pool .

    lols .
    after ken & accompany left not long ago ,
    we also left ,
    actually wanna go home in the end ,
    we decided to go kopitiam la teh & lim kopi ,
    slack and chit-chat .
    than we went home at 10 as we start school morning tml ,
    lols .

    hahs ,
    anyway ,
    watever problem or trouble occur ,
    always look on the bright side =)
    hahas xD

    Stopped his pen .. 12:33 AM

    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    hahs ,
    while preparing to go school half way ,
    ken called ask me help him take something from carrie as he was late to meet her -.-

    hmms ,
    actually we intend meet at bukit batok mrt de ,
    cox i late abit ,
    in the end i walked all the way to shatec to take ,
    as they cannot late cox of strict school rules .
    lols .
    at first i don't know the way to walk there ,
    than carrie told me to tail any shatec students and followed them walk short cut ,
    i tailed till machiam i'm a spy lyk tat -.-
    after take le jiu went to school .
    weather so hot sia ,
    perspired more than normally .
    hahas .

    than group 1 class ended at 11.30 ,
    eat at canteen ,
    slack awhile jiu go our favorite longkang(drain) ,
    smoke ~
    hahs .
    than went back school ,
    group 2 ppl went back for practical ,
    than we slack at school's de bench slack , sing song wait for them ,
    lols .
    than after not long ,
    heard a call says tat ken cut his thumb himself at kitchen ,
    than he came out and me , andre , louis brought him to polyclinic .
    luckily no need queue for very long ,
    as the counter nurse say mux seek medical attension immediately .
    awhile later ,
    andre , louis went back school to take our belonging and meet us at clementi central ,
    than me & ken went in consultation room ,
    than during the coversation with the doctor one part was lame de lohx -.-
    lazy type out .
    than went to dressing room to dress his wound ,
    wrap till lyk bazang siol ~
    hahas .

    after polyclnics ,
    than went central eat le jiu go home .
    tiring ~

    than at late night meet some friends at macdonald ,
    eat , slack , relax , talk cock ~
    than go home ,
    hahs .
    tired le .
    going sleep le ,
    goOd niGhts eVeryOne ~!

    Stopped his pen .. 1:43 AM

    Friday, July 11, 2008

    sianx ,
    tis few days had been happened alot of tings sia ,
    went for lion dance outing ,
    went out with classmates ,
    my class advisor birthday and alots of tings ,
    some i don't wan and lazy to mention .

    hahas ,
    today is Sir Daryl's birthday ,
    we meet our whole class tis morning at void deck opposite school and late for our sir daryl de lesson ,
    we intend to shock him tat no one turns up for his class ,
    and than suprise him when everybody turn up together at the same time .
    when we reach class sir daryl face was black ,
    but den when he saw the cake slowly appear and we started sang birthday song ,
    he was happy ,
    hahas .

    after school ,
    went to clementi eat and headed to vivo to meet sean and accompany .
    slack at the vivo garden , chit-chat .
    than went shopping ~
    bought a unique small bag at daiso ,
    than went to food republic eat ~
    than headed back to daiso as they also wanna buy the same bag as mine ,
    and carry it together to school ,
    lols .
    than went back to relax awhile jiu go back le ,
    as we are all tired le ~

    Stopped his pen .. 1:31 AM

    Tuesday, July 8, 2008

    long tym had not blog le ,
    it gonna rotten soon .
    hmms , tis post will be unseen ~
    unless you clever ,
    hahas ^^

    tis few day had been quarrel with baby damn loads !!
    i really dont know why such tings would happen sia ~!
    mayb its jux because of i'm working and had neglected her ?
    but den ,
    i holiday & even school days ,
    i also had been ALWAYS tonning at her house ,
    and almost everyday accompany her 24hr a day ,
    not enough mahx ?!
    i jux merely wanted to work to earn extra cash for my car & motor license nia ,
    and u say cannot ,
    than ok nvm ,
    i listen to you .
    than got one tym i talk to you about the work tings ,
    than u say u had never stop me from work ,
    WTH ~!
    than holiday left 5 days le than i started work ,
    than you suddenly say holiday left 5 days le than i go work ,
    never accompany you ,
    wats the meaning of this ?
    i dont know sia ,
    are playing me around mahx ?!
    i really very SOT sia !

    Than sunday ,
    thats when my last day of work (next day school reopen),
    i really damn tired and uncomfortable le ,
    i wanted to go back my home and rest ,
    and its quite late le ,
    but u wanted me to go find u awhile ,
    ok nvm ,
    i tahan to go find u .
    reach le ,
    saw u and yr friend ,
    than u started quarrel with me ,
    u shouted , screamed , yelled , scolded me in the middle of road and in front yr friend ,
    than whenever i wanted to explain myself but u dont give me chance ,
    u jux ask me to shut up ,
    than if i dont talk ,
    than u say me why so quiet ,
    nth to say arx or i deaf or mute ,
    WTF ~!
    quarrel till i miss my last train -.-
    cant go back and prepare school for tml ,
    needed to wake up damn early to go home changed and go school .

    i know why u dont let me explain and sot tings out ,
    cox u wan everybody know u are in the RIGHT ALWAYS ! than i'm the one FOREVER IN WRONG !
    you hardly admitted yr mistakes de ,
    mayb once in a blue blue moon bahx ?
    everytimes u scold , shout , yell , scream , sometimes beat me ,
    i only can tolerate nia ,
    eveytime i tolerate ,
    u get more & more over sia ,
    but den i still have to tolerate ~

    yr ATTIUDE iish so SUPER POWER ,
    and yet u keep over & over my limit ,
    and i TAHAN ! TAHAN ! TAHAN !
    luckily my temper iish good ,
    tink if change to other ppl ,
    i dont tink anyone can take yr attitude de bahx ,
    hmms , mayb one or two bahx .

    AND ! ,
    whenever we quarrel ,
    yr friends know whose right and wrong ,
    and they everytimes helped me ,
    i dont expect and wanted them to help me lohx ,
    than u say
    "li hai lohx , my sisters ,friends and family members all help you lohx ,
    all stand at yr side , nobody help me , i always in wrong de lahx ."

    you tink i wan they help me de arx ?
    they wanted to help me u expect me to tell them shut up mehx ?
    its impossible mahx ,
    its their mouth ,
    i cant stop them from saying anything mahx ,
    wat can i do ?!
    i really dont know sia ,
    tis kinda of tings u also wan push the blame on me -.-
    OMG !
    nvm ,
    i also admit it .
    HAIS !

    AND ! ,
    you know i had neglecting my family mahx ,
    i keep on accompany u 24hrs a day ,
    how about my family members ?
    i know u're important ,
    my family also very important de mahx ,
    i wanted to go home ,
    u also want to stop me from going home -.-
    i hardly can go home sia .
    i also sometimes need to spent times with my family de mahx ,
    yr family and mine is totally different i know ,
    but u dont assume our family iish the same ,
    i wan & need spent some times with my family de ,
    luckily my family members understand me ,
    or else i really dont know how sia .

    still got alot more tings wanted to say ,
    but lazy type le .
    tired liao ~

    hais , can anybody tell me wat to do ?
    i really so frustrated sia T.T
    tings are getting out of hand le ~!

    Stopped his pen .. 1:31 AM